Recently this story in the attached email, was released by the media. It is about the significant increase in VEHICLE THEFT, causing Toronto Residents to take more extreme measures to protect their vehicles & property.
Extra measures like installing a steering wheel CLUB, a WHEEL BOOT lock or even driveway bollards are some of the ways people are adding layers of security.
These do not replace the regular measures like, locking doors, removing valuables , parking inside your garage , securing keys safely in a hidden area inside your residence.
With some thieves breaking into homes to look for keys, we strongly suggest exterior lighting, hi def. security cameras & alarm systems.
Please click on the LINK, watch the MEDIA STORY & continue to be vigilant. We can make the community safer by working together.
Thank you
Constable Timothy Somers #90023
Toronto Police Service
53 Division
Community Response Unit
Crime Prevention – Community Safety Officer
Office 416-808-5337
Mobile 416-473-6314