Update: Crane Mobilization on Berwick Avenue
As early as Friday April 9, 2021, crews at Eglinton Station will resume pre-cast panel installations at the Berwick Portal site. To facilitate this work, use of a mobile crane will be required at the Berwick Portal until approximately Friday, April 16, 2021.
For safety reasons, Berwick Avenue will be reduced to one lane only, with traffic alternating in each direction, during this work. Berwick Avenue will remain open at Yonge Street. TTC buses will continue to enter the Eglinton Station Bus Bay from Yonge Street. Traffic control personnel and/or a Paid Duty Officer will be present while this work takes place.
This work is expected to take place Monday – Friday from 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Currently, 24-hour work is ongoing for Eglinton Station Box construction and will continue, throughout this work.
What to Expect
Noise from construction activity, including trucks, material loading, and a crane can be expected. All work zones on Yonge Street and Eglinton Avenue will remain in place. Expect delays while travelling through the intersection.
Hours of Work
• As early as Friday April 9, 2021 for approximately one (1) week.
• This work will take place between 7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
• 24-hour work is currently ongoing for Eglinton Station Box construction and will continue, during this work.
• Work may be rescheduled due to inclement weather and/or unforeseen circumstances.
Traffic Details
• During this work, Berwick Avenue will be reduced to one lane only, alternating traffic in each direction.
• Berwick Avenue will remain open at Yonge Street.
• On-street parking will be temporarily prohibited
Pedestrians Details
• Pedestrian access will be maintained along the north side of Berwick Ave from Duplex Ave to Yonge St. At times, pedestrians may be asked to stop or divert around the crane movements.
• The south sidewalk of Berwick Ave from Yonge St to the west end of the work zone will be temporarily closed.
Transit Information
• TTC buses will continue to enter the Eglinton Station Bus Bay from Yonge Street.
• Access to TTC will be maintained.